MW El.Sp.Pr. Rheporter (Deceased)

2005 Elite Special Premium Liver Chestnut HAN/GOV Mare
Royal Prince x Weltmeyer x Brentano II
Breeder: M.Swanson

**In foal to MW Marcario for a June 2022 foal** Sadly passed away before we could see this gem.

MWW is very excited to have added this stunning mare to their broodmare band. She has been a favorite of mine in the US for many years. She is different blood than the rest of my program, so she is perfect to help diversify and bring in a strong Hanoverian foundation blood.
“Lois” was a champion foal on any continent and was described as being as good as any foal seen anywhere by Dr. Schade. She was the winner at Dressage at Devon, now an Elite mare due to the high quality of foals she has produced.

*2020 – Produced MW Virtuous by Valverde
*2021 – Produced MW Royalty by Viva Gold


Rheporter was named Grand Champion of the 2011 Dressage at Devon breed show! Rheporter was named Mare Champion, then Mature Horse Champion and finally Grand Champion!