2012 Premium GOV Stallion
Licensed GOV & ISR
Furstenball / Espri / Lemon xx / Trapper
Bred By: N.Holowesko
Sold to CT, USA
Fabulous is a well-bred stallion by the top producer Furstenball (Furst Heinrich x Donnerhall x Classiker), who is competing and just won the 6yo Bundeschampionat this year in Verden. He is out of a special and strong Hanoverian damline unique in the USA that imprints correct legs and a ton of power and movement. The damline is responsible for Instertanz V (Sire of Jennifer Hoffman’s outstanding stallion Rubinio), Rosentanz, and Blue Hors Future Cup.
Fabulous is a super cross-over stallion producing super dressage types and can compliment the hunter mares as well. Has a lot of TB blood to maintain type and natural fitness.
The dam, MW St.Pr. Eclipse (owned by MWW) has produced several premium foals, including a filly who returned to Germany to attend the world-renowned German Mare Championships.
Furstenball OLD 2013 Hengsteparade (Furst Heinrich x Donnerhall x Classiker) VIDEO.
El.St. Pr. Solar Eclipse (Sir Donnerhall x Espri x Lemon xx) at Rastede VIDEO.
St.Pr.C. Flashdance (Furstenball x Sir Donnerhall I x Espri x Lemon xx) now owned by Kathy Priest at Rastede (1e Premium) – VIDEO
MW Fabulous 4yo test 78.8 – VIDEO
MW Fabulous Free-Go – VIDEO
MW Fabulous Under Saddle VIDEO 4/10/2020
2012 Premium GOV Foal
2013 Reserve Champion Colt & Reserve Champion Young Horse 80.9%
2013 Region 8 Yearling Colt Winner
2013 USDF Horse Of the Year!
2013 National Champion GOV Yearling Colt!
2014 Region 8 Colt Final Grand Champion 81.9% 9 for trot!
2014 National Champion GOV 2yo. Colt!
2015 81.2% DSHB 3yo Colts, 77.8% 3yo Materiale Colts
2016 78.8% 4yo YH Test, 8.5 for Trot
2016 80.8% DSHB, Mature Champion Stallion, 78% Materiale winner, 71.3% TLT3
2017 First foal on the ground. Just super!
2018 Super foals on the ground. Adding legs, super toplines, and expression.
2019 Breeding Season – April 1 – August 1. This horse actively shows. No frozen is available for this stallion.
EVA NEGATIVE & Vaccinated Annually.
N/N for WFFS
Stallion Breeding Contract 2020 MW Fabulous
$1500 2020 All-inclusive Stud Fee
$500 Booking fee (Included in Stud Fee)
$150 per collection (1st collection included in stud fee)
$40 2020 Disposable Shipper (1st shipper included in stud fee)
$75 2020 Overnight shipping fee (1st shipment fee included in stud fee) (*Saturday delivery extra)
**(Disposable container & Overnight shipping cost of 1st shipment is included in stud fee) (Equitainer available for extra fee)
Additional Impressions: