
2016 Premium GOV Filly
Fursten-Look x Espri x Lemon xx
Bred By: Maplewood Warmbloods


Winnie was born on 4/25/2016 at 330 am. She took her time, but was well worth the wait. Winnie is a tall foal with super long legs and a solid topline. Very excited to watch this one unfold and mature. She will be a super riding horse just like her 3/4 brother MW Fabulous and we are of course happy to have a filly out of this fantastic producer. She is 100% sound for breeding or sport.

The dam is MW St.Pr.St. Eclipse. The damline is responsible for the licensed stallions: Super champion, Blue Hors Future Cup, World Champ, Temptation (Han), Rosentanz, Derano, & finally Instertanz V (Sire of Jennifer Hoffman’s outstanding stallion Rubinio).

MW Eclipse has produced MW Fabulous who is undefeated in yearling competition for 2013 and was also honored with Reserve Colt Champion & Reserve Young Horse Champion, & USDF Horse of the Year in 2013. Eclipse has produced 100% Premium foals as well as a filly who returned to Germany as a 3yo to attend the German Mare Championships in Rastede where she finished 5th and earning her States Premium status. Winny gave us a super filly by MW Bodacious in spring of 2021.

Winny entererd the MMB of the GOV September 2021. She has produced 3 EXCEPTIONAL foals for us.

Video at 8 months


MW Elluna by MW Bodacious – GOV Elite & Premium – SOLD!
MW Electra by MW Marcario – GOV Elite & Premium
MW Epiphany by MW Bodacious


2012 Special Premium Liver Chestnut HAN/GOV Mare
Bordeaux x Rohdiamant x Sion
Breeder: J.Middlebeck
*In foal to VaBene for an early June 2025 foal.

MWW is very excited to have added this stunning mare to their broodmare band. I have been a fan from afar since she was imported in 2016 from the Oldenburg Elite Auction.  She has some different blood than the rest of my program so she is perfect to help diversify and bring in the internationally successful foundation damline of Abita and the Elfchen family. Same damline as Depardieux and Helgstrand’s Bernstein SL.

MW Eminence v. Fynch Hatton


2010 Premium black GOV Mare
Sir Donnerhall I x Donnershwee x Welt As
Breeder: B. Huslage, GER
**In foal to Escaneno for an early June 2025 foal

MW is very excited to have acquired such a top mare. She has been a top producer having had the top-selling foal by Governor in Vechta for 28.000E. Also, a top stallion prospect was sold to Blu Hors by Veneziano.

This super mare is the full sister of the Gestut Bonhomme stallion Showdancer. Exceptional dam line of Rudilore! Breeding proven mare who already has elite auction foals and produced top young horses. The mother is a full sister to D-Day, the mother’s father of Vitalis. From the tribe also Blue Hors Romanov, Rubin Royal, Rockefeller, and many more.

VIDEO in FIELD 10/1/2020

Previous Foals:

Rusalka – Sold to Denmark 24.000E
2yo Colt by Governor sold to Blu Hors
MW Rudina – GOV Premium & Elite
MW Legendary – GOV Premium & Elite



2005 Elite Special Premium Liver Chestnut HAN/GOV Mare
Royal Prince x Weltmeyer x Brentano II
Breeder: M.Swanson

**In foal to MW Marcario for a June 2022 foal** Sadly passed away before we could see this gem.

MWW is very excited to have added this stunning mare to their broodmare band. She has been a favorite of mine in the US for many years. She is different blood than the rest of my program, so she is perfect to help diversify and bring in a strong Hanoverian foundation blood.
“Lois” was a champion foal on any continent and was described as being as good as any foal seen anywhere by Dr. Schade. She was the winner at Dressage at Devon, now an Elite mare due to the high quality of foals she has produced.

*2020 – Produced MW Virtuous by Valverde
*2021 – Produced MW Royalty by Viva Gold


Rheporter was named Grand Champion of the 2011 Dressage at Devon breed show! Rheporter was named Mare Champion, then Mature Horse Champion and finally Grand Champion!


2015 Premium GOV Colt
Sir Donnerhall I x Espri x Lemon xx
Bred By: Maplewood Warmbloods
Sold!!! CA, USA

MW Sir Espri was born on 4/17/2015 at the respectable hour of 9 pm. We waited 3 days for his arrival after both our milk testing and the mare said it was time. He was well worth the wait. I am convinced he stayed in to add just a bit more bling before delivery. He is a dark chestnut with 3 socks and a star.  Very excited to watch this one unfold and mature. He will be an incredible riding horse just like his brother MW Fabulous and full sister El.St. Solar Eclipse, whose daughter was 1e premium at 2016 Rastede.

The dam is MW St.Pr.St. Eclipse. The damline is responsible for the licensed stallions: Superchamp, Blue Horse Future Cup, WorldChamp, Temptation (Han), Rosentanz, & finally Instertanz V (Sire of Jennifer Hoffman’s outstanding stallion Rubinio). Should finish close to 17hh.

Rubinio NRW Pedigree –

MW Eclipse has produced MW Fabulous who is undefeated in yearling competition for 2013 and was also honored with Reserve Colt Champion & Reserve Young Horse Champion, & USDF Horse of the Year in 2013. Eclipse has produced 100% Premium foals as well as a filly who returned to Germany as a 3yo to attend the German Mare Championships in Rastede where she finished 5th and earning her States Premium status.

Full sister to MW Sir Espri – St.Pr.St. Solar Eclipse CF (Sir Donnerhall I x Espri x Lemon xx) at Rastede VIDEO. Under saddle with Johannes Westendarp – VIDEO
VIDEO – as a 4yo

2013 Elite Special Premium GOV Mare
San Amour x De Niro x Hill Hawk xx
Bred By: M. Strohm, GER
In foal to Escanto PS for a early July 2025 foal.

MWW is excited to add yet another phenomenal filly to the herd. Barn named “Cilly” is by the Hauptpremium stallion San Amour who has produced numerous St.Pr. mares and Licensed sons in Oldenburg. Cilly’s dam, El.St.Pr. Cileste II is the first daughter of Cileste I, who produced the famous line of licensed stallions Welt Hit I-IV and Donner Hit, who was ranked on the WBFSH dressage list.

Cileste II by DeNiro is an elite state premium and, in 2001, a brilliant ring mare in Oldenburg.  She performed excellently at her mare performance test with a 9.5 for rideability. She produced Czardafuerstin by Furst Heinrich, who in 2008 produced Chere Amie by San Amour. Chere Amie became the Reservesiegerin in the Brilliant ring in Rastede 2011.

VIDEO – 03/24/2020


2013 Premium GOV Foal
2013 Winner at Hagen, GER (Kassleman’s Foal Show) out of 24 foals.  9.5 for movement, 9 for type, 9 for temperament/correctness! She was #1 out of 24 foals!!!
2016 3yo Filly winner, Grand Champion Filly, Reserve Champion Young Horse, Reserve Champion Overall.
2017 – Enters into the GOV Main Mare Book with an overall 8 which is enough to be Sp.Pr. after her 2018 test.
2017 – After starting Cilly under saddle in Fall of 2016 we realized she needed more time, so that is what she got. In the meantime she carried a super colt for us MW Marcario. She also produced 3 embryos due for 2018. A MW Feinermark which resulted in MW Cilhouette, a Morricone in MW Mystery, and Vitalis in MW Valeroso.
2018 – Produced an Escamillio embryo which resulted in MW Empire was born in June 2019.
2019 – Awarded her Elite title for the multiple high quality offspring produced.
2019 – Qualified and invited to the Markel Young Horse Championships @ Lamplight for the 6yo test. Finished 14th with a 76.8%. So proud of her as she carried a foal for us as a 4yo. Quite the accomplishment and a testament to her character and ability.
2020 – Ready to show Developing PSG
2021 – Produced GOV Elite foal MW Billionaire
2024 – Produced GOV foal (mail in) MW Cilla Bella