MW El. St.Pr.Eclipse
1998 Elite Hanoverian Mare
Espri / Lemon xx / Trapper
Bred By: H. Boehmke, GER
MW is excited to have added such a special producer to its broodmare band. She brings International to the table by providing big movement, size, and pop while maintaining MW’s temperament requirement, correct legs, as well as that move-through-the-body, walk. She is from a special and strong Hanoverian damline unique in the USA that imprints correct legs and a ton of power and movement.
The damline is responsible for the licensed stallions: Superchamp, Blue Horse Future Cup, WorldChamp, Temptation (Han), Rosentanz, & finally Instertanz V (Sire of Jennifer Hoffman’s outstanding stallion Rubinio).
MW Eclipse has produced MW Fabulous, who is undefeated in yearling competition for 2013 and was also honored with Reserve Colt Champion & Reserve Young Horse Champion, & USDF Horse of the Year in 2013. Her 2015 Colt MW Sir Espri was also awarded premium status, earning Eclipse her Elite status with the Oldenburg Verband. Eclipse has produced 100% Premium foals as well as a filly (full sister to MW Sir Espri) who returned to Germany as a 3yo to attend the German Mare Show where she finished 5th and earning her States Premium status.
St.Pr.St. Solar Eclipse CF (Sir Donnerhall I x Espri x Lemon xx) at Rastede VIDEO. She was bred by N.Holowesko. Under saddle with Johannes Westendarp – VIDEO