MW Furstenten – SOLD!

2010 Premium GOV Black Gelding
Furstenball/ Rosenkavalier/ Milan
Bred By: Maplewood Warmbloods

Fursty was born 5/12/2010. He is by the 2008 Oldenburg Champion, Furstenball, who’s damline is simply outstanding. It was an opportunity for MWW to bring the blood of Furst Heinrich into the barn. We are thrilled with his type. His character and personality are second to none. He is long in the legs with balanced and light movement. Excited to watch him mature. Lovely elevated, swinging trot with cadence and natural uphill balance. Very scopey and athletic canter with a correct depart and uphill strides. To mature to 16.2hh.


7/12/10 – MW Furstenten received the honor of GOV Premium colt. He was very well received by the inspectors. They loved his type, movement, and length of leg. The comment of the day was “best Furstenball colt they had seen that year… including Germany.”

12/2/2012 – started under saddle. One of the easiest horses to start and was outside on the trails in just 5 rides. The perfect amateurs horse with 3 professional quality gaits.

5/1/2013 – Restarted after gelding in Dec. and winter growing break without lunging. Born broke! Get on and go. Phenominal temperment and movement. Knee, articulation, and swing. Honest horse with super gaits. This is a GP horse anyone will be able to ride…or I’ll eat my hat.

6/15/2014 – Absolutely phenomenal riding horse. Elite Gelding. Going to progress up the levels quickly. Already doing walk to canter, baby flying changes, leg yields, and offering passage steps.

8/3-4/2014 – Fursty was a rock star at his first show getting a 65% & 67% in TLT3. The 67% was in front of USEF “I” judge Anne Gribbons who also gave him an 8 for gaits and praised his character.

Furstenball OLD 2013 Hengsteparade (Furst Heinrich x Donnerhall x Classiker) VIDEO.
MW Furstenten 2013 video (See the resemblance?) VIDEO
MW Furstenten 2014 Show TLT3 – VIDEO

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