16th Annual GOV Inspection/MPT – August 16, 2023
GOV enrollment forms for mare and foal registration are found on the GOV website: www.oldenburghorse.com. These forms are mailed to the GOV, as MWW is not the event organizer for this inspection. Please make sure to mail them in by the due date listed on the GOV site, as you cannot register on the day of the event.
Stabling requests are sent to MWW directly and paid separately from GOV registration and fees. Please download, print, and mail this form with payment to reserve your stall. We will confirm via email when it is received. See you and your equine friends soon!!!
Please email, text, or call to reserve stabling. Dry stall ( $50/each) due prior to arrival. Please include current Coggins and have all horses up-to-date on vaccinations.
**GOV Mare Performance Test – August 16, 2023 – Contact GOV. Contacting the GOV 2 weeks before the event is not enough for them to plan travel etc. They have to know how many horses as soon as possible.
**Photo Above – MW Sp.Pr. Phedora (Bernay x Florencio x Donatelli)
Need to reach MWW? – Text is best for the fastest response. 845-649-7160 or mwwarmbloods@frontiernet.net