MW Rudinate

2010 Premium black GOV Mare
Sir Donnerhall I x Donnershwee x Welt As
Breeder: B. Huslage, GER
**In foal to Escaneno for an early June 2025 foal

MW is very excited to have acquired such a top mare. She has been a top producer having had the top-selling foal by Governor in Vechta for 28.000E. Also, a top stallion prospect was sold to Blu Hors by Veneziano.

This super mare is the full sister of the Gestut Bonhomme stallion Showdancer. Exceptional dam line of Rudilore! Breeding proven mare who already has elite auction foals and produced top young horses. The mother is a full sister to D-Day, the mother’s father of Vitalis. From the tribe also Blue Hors Romanov, Rubin Royal, Rockefeller, and many more.

VIDEO in FIELD 10/1/2020

Previous Foals:

Rusalka – Sold to Denmark 24.000E
2yo Colt by Governor sold to Blu Hors
MW Rudina – GOV Premium & Elite
MW Legendary – GOV Premium & Elite